Damien Egan, who served Lewisham with distinction for a decade, stepped down as Mayor with immediate effect following his selection for the Kingwood parliamentary by-election. 

Damien’s record of delivering for residents and businesses leaves Lewisham Labour in a strong position to continue under a new Mayor. With 98% of Lewisham schools rated ‘good or outstanding’, over 1,200 new social homes, and award-winning parks, Damien leaves a record to be proud of. We wish him success in Kingswood.

Mr Egan said: “On Friday the current MP for Kingswood resigned. I have been selected to fight this by-election and therefore I have informed the Chief Executive of my decision to resign as the Mayor of Lewisham.

I want to thank everyone in Lewisham for their support over the last 14 years from when I was first elected as a Lewisham councillor to now as Mayor. It has been an honour and a privilege to be the Mayor of Lewisham and I am proud of what we have achieved by working together: turning around Children’s Services, improving local schools, an ambitious council house-building programme, and our work to support independent high street businesses.”



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